
Article I


Section 1/Nonprofit:
The name of this nonprofit organization shall be The Delaware Valley Texas A&M Club.

Article II


Section 1/Relationship with The Association:
The Delaware Valley Texas A&M Club shall not be financially obligated to or by The Association of Former Students nor shall The Association in any way be obligated or responsible for the financial affairs of the Club.In the event of dissolution of the Club, all assets of the Club remaining after payment or settlement of the indebtedness of the Club shall be allocated to The Association of Former Students of Texas A&M University in totality and with no encumbrances. This is construed in no way to obscure the separateness and independence of the Club from the Association during the Club’s legal existence.

Article III


Section 1/Purpose:
The purposes of this Club are:

  1. To establish and maintain scholarships for worthy students attending TAMU by Board approval; and
  2. To assist the University and The Association of Former Students in any worthy undertaking to the best of our ability as a Club and as individual former students.

Article IV


Section 1/Regular Members:
Any person residing in southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware who at one time was enrolled in any of the regular courses of Texas A&M University and all persons who have received advanced or honorary degrees from the University shall be eligible for regular membership in the Club.Section 2/Associate Members: Any person not eligible under the foregoing provisions who has demonstrated his/her interest in the University and in the activities of the Club shall have all of the privileges of membership, except the right to hold the office of president.

Section 3/Lifetime Members:
Any member of the Club who has rendered outstanding service to the Club may, with the unanimous approval of the Board of Directors, be elected a Lifetime member. This position is designed to be the highest honor that can be given by this Club.

Section 4/Dues:
The annual dues shall be as follows:

  • Individual Membership $20.00
  • Family Membership $30.00
  • Business Membership $50.00

Article V


Section 1/Officers:
The officers of the Club shall consist of:

  1. President
  2. President-Elect
  3. Immediate Past President
  4. Vice-President/Activities-Programs
  5. Vice-President/Finance
  6. Vice-President/Membership
  7. Vice-President/High School Relations
  8. Vice-President/Publicity
  9. Vice-President/Records

Section 2/Method of Nomination:
Each year, in advance of the election, the Board of Directors shall appoint a nominating committee to prepare a slate of officers to manage the Club for the following year. Only one person will be selected for each vacancy, but provisions will be made on the ballot for write-in candidates.Section 3/Method of Election:
The officers shall be elected by membership ballot during the month of November to assume office on January 1 following the election. The officers shall serve for a term of one year.

Section 4/Duties of the Officers:

Presides at all meetings of the Club and the Board of Directors. Appoints all committees (except the nominating committee), serves as ex-officio member of all committees and acts as liaison with The Association of Former Students. Must be a former student of Texas A&M University.
Presides at meetings in the absence of the President. Serves on the Board of Directors and assists the President as needed.
Immediate Past President
Serves on the Board of Directors.
Oversees and appoints Chairs for programs such as: Muster, Club meetings, President’s Night, special events, and will function in close liaison with The Association Club Programs Office.
Serves as treasurer of the Club; develops annual Club budget in coordination with the Board of Directors, and other Club officers.
Directs annual membership drive to recruit new members and reactivate previous members. Prepares a Club membership directory to make it easy for new and current members to obtain information about Club meetings and activities.
Vice-President/High School Relations
Represents the Club in matters pertaining to the continuing relationship with the area high schools, and serves as Chair of the Scholarship Committee.
Plans and directs local Club publicity and press relations to enhance its reputation and public image, functions directly with The Association Club Programs Office, and keeps local Club membership informed as to state, national and international activities of Texas A&M.
Maintains all permanent records of the Club, and minutes of all Officer meetings.

Article VI


Section 1/Directors The Board of Directors shall consist of three members, the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President. The President shall be Chair of the Board of Directors and preside at all meetings of the Board.Section 2/Responsibility of Directors
Provide overall plans, policies and guidelines for the Club; and oversee the actions of the officers. Approve all expenditures of Club funds. Attend all meetings of the Board of Directors.

Article VII


Section 1/Club Meetings The regular meetings of the Club shall be held at a time and place designated by the Board, and may be held without notice.Section 2/Aggie Muster
The annual Muster of the Club shall be held April 21 of each year. A report of the Muster held will be made to the Club Programs Office of The Association of Former Students with full details of the function.

Section 3/Meetings of the Officers and Directors
The President may call meetings of the Officers at anytime. These meetings may be in addition to or in lieu of any regular monthly meetings.

Section 4/Regular Meeting of Directors The Board of Directors shall have four quarterly meetings per year. The President shall distinguish one of these meetings to present and review the overall plans and policies of the Club.

Article VIII


Section 1/Appointment
The President shall appoint standing committees and such others as may become necessary.Section 2/Programs
The Program Committee under the direction of the Vice-President/Activities-Programs, shall provide interesting and diversified programs, planned well in advance, and backed up by alternate stand-by programs. They shall also plan the food and beverage menus for each meeting.

Section 3/Scholarship Committee
This committee, under the direction of the Vice-President/High School Relations, will recommend to the Board of Directors the recipients of Club scholarships.

Section 4/Membership Committee This committee, under the direction of the Vice-President/Membership, will conduct an annual membership drive soon after the first of the year. The goal of the Committee should never be pure number of dues paying members, but active, participating dues-paying members. The Committee should periodically check the mailing list of the Club to add prospective members.

Section 5/Muster Committee
This committee will plan and conduct the April 21 Muster.

Section 6/Bylaws Committee
The Bylaws Committee will review the bylaws at least once a year. Any needed changes will be brought to the attention of the Board of Directors and recommendations shall be kept in such form that they aid the officers and directors in the efficient operation of the Club.

Article IX


Section 1/Two-Thirds Vote
Following the meeting at which the motion was originally made and after notice of such amendment is published in a newsletter, the Bylaws of this Club may be amended or changed by a two-thirds vote of the members present at the next regular meeting. The Board of Directors must approve such changes by a majority vote.These Bylaws were adopted by the Directors at a meeting held July 10, 2002, and approved by the membership by vote.

Rudi Buetterich `83

Note: The following changes to the Standard Bylaws have been made: Title: The document title “Standard Bylaws” was changed to read, “Bylaws of the Delaware Valley Texas A & M Club”

Article I, Section 1/Nonprofit: Inserted Delaware Valley Texas A & M Club

Article II, Section 1/Relationship with the Association: Inserted Delaware Valley Texas A & M Club

Article III, Section 1/Purpose: Modified first item to read, “To establish and maintain scholarships for worthy students attending TAMU by Board approval.”

Article IV, Section 1/Regular Members: Inserted southeastern Pennsylvania, southern New Jersey, and Delaware.

Article V, Section 1/Method of Nomination: Replaced Executive Committee with “Board of Directors” since there will be no Executive Committee.

Article V, Section 4/Duties of Officers:
President, deleted “of which the president is the non-voting Chair”, since there are only three members.
President-elect, replaced “Executive Committee” with “Board of Directors”, since there will be no Executive committee.
Immediate Past President, replaced “Executive Committee” with “Board of Directors”, since there will be no Executive committee.

Article VI, Section 1/Directors: Modified to read “the Board of Directors shall consist of three members, the President, President-Elect, and Immediate Past President. The president shall be the Chair of the Board of Directors and preside at all meetings of the Board.” The reference to non-voting was removed since there will only be three members on the Board.

Article VI, Section 2/Method of Nomination: Deleted as non-applicable.

Article VI, Section 3/Method of Election: Deleted as non-applicable.

Article VI, Section 4/Responsibility of Directors: Renumbered to Section 2. Added “Approve all expenditures of Club funds.”

Article VII, Executive Committee: Deleted

Article VIII, Meetings: Renumbered to Article VII

Article VII, Section 1/Club Meetings: Deleted “but shall ordinarily be held at…”

Article VII, Section 3/ Meetings of the Officers: Deleted “and Directors” in title. Deleted reference to Executive Committee and Directors to read, “ The President may call meetings of the Officers at any time.”

Article IX, Committees: Renumbered to Article VIII

Article X, Amendments: Renumbered to Article IX

Article IX, Section 1/Two-Thirs Vote: Deleted phrase “present at the next regular meeting”. Last sentence, inserted date of July 10, 2002 and deleted “at a regular meeting”. Now reads, “These Bylaws were adopted by the Directors at a meeting held July 10, 2002, and approved by the membership by vote.”